Paul Steen

Head of Business Development at Vattenfall Heat UK

Paul is a chartered civil engineer and held leadership roles in district heating businesses.  Since 2021 he has held a dual role at Vattenfall that includes a strategic oversight of growth in the Scotland region alongside strategy and business development for citywide district heating across the UK. Prior this role Paul spent 20 years working in and leading engineering and consultancy teams at Ramboll in the civil engineering sector including major building, transport and energy projects including in the strategy, masterplanning, project design, procurement and supervision of projects.

Paul’s interests in the development and innovation of low carbon energy projects that serve homes and businesses with affordable heat are relevant to this research alliance.  The investment in construction and operation of these systems, if planned properly, can enable the growth of the capacity, skills and supply chains that support these projects as well as positive health impacts arising from improved air quality alongside the more direct social and carbon emissions impacts.